Pressing Forward, NY Style


Sorry for the drought after leaving things on a cliffhanger! It’s been a busy couple weeks. But I’m still here in NYC, and it looks like that won’t change in the near future- at least not for a couple of months. My Japanese recruitment contact fizzled out just as Taskrabbit and my bar started picking up. (Not to mention I was realllly under the gun with giving a decision to the landlord!) So for the time being, I’m going to stick here and hustle.

Taskrabbit has been super fun to play with. I’ve done a total of 11 jobs this month, and after Taskrabbit’s fees I’ve made over $700. Not bad for the very first month. I set my prices pretty low so I could start building a reputation, and I think it’s working– I’ve got a lot of great reviews already. Plus, once you meet certain criteria you can earn an “elite” status, which features you more prominently on tasker searches. (Thus giving you a lot more offers, which gives you leeway to raise your prices to a premium). I think another month to build my rep could really turn this into a significant source of income! I’ll write more about my specific Taskrabbit adventures soon.

And on the other job front, I’m really loving the bar. The people are great, the food is great, and I’m making good inroads to getting a position behind the bar itself. That’s of course my main goal is- to get professional bar experience under my belt. I want it for my own future projects, and it doesn’t hurt that you can make some good money pretty much anywhere as a bartender- it gives you a certain flexibility of location that I would love to have.

Anyway, I’ll dive more into the specifics on my next post! Stay tuned.

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